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PBL methodology

We are guided by  PBL methodology

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The modern world is developing rapidly and one of the ways for children to become successful is by learning valuable skills and abilities. “Gorov” preschool has chosen the Problem Based Learning (PBL) method for children’s development. The PBL method is considered a successful and innovative teaching method, developed by the Swedish Folkuniversitetet  University and now widely used in many developed countries around the world. With PBL, children work on a project to solve complex and engaging questions and challenges, and in the process acquire skills such as problem solving, collaboration and critical thinking, which they will need to succeed in the 21st century. 

Preschool is the most favorable period for children to be integrated into such a system of education, since curiosity is the most powerful and natural stimulus for exploring the world at this age. The PBL methodology is based on teaching the child to love what she is doing, to seek answers to questions on her own, to satisfy her curiosity not in the form of facts, but through practical tasks. 

Problem-based learning is very different from the traditional teaching process. As a child-centered approach, PBL pushes children to take initiative for their own learning. As they are pushed to use their creativity, they develop skills that will benefit them in adulthood.

The PBL method teaches children to:


  1. Make sound judgments and independent decisions

  2. Work in a team

  3. Develop negotiation skills

  4. Think critically

  5. Be creative

  6. Identify other’s emotions

  7. Identify their own emotions and have the ability to control them

  8. Move quickly from one task to another


“Gorov” is the only preschool in Armenia licensed by the Swedish Folkuniversitetet University that has the right to integrate this method in its educational program.

PBL Certificate

The PBL certificate issued to us by 
Folkuniversitetet can be found here

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